(Kotter & Cohen, 2002)
The current economy of the UK can possibly be classified as lack of connection of knowledge management. If all organisation's worked together to compromise rather than fight against each other for greed of profit and selfishness then maybe the economy would not be moulded into what is revealed now. This is also down to people perception as expressed by Alavi and Leider (1999) paper where "major cultural shift would be required to change their employees attitude and behaviour". [Works of Earl (2001)]. Some organisations (not to mention) have a very strong pungunt culture embeded through the century years therefore difficultly in getting a kick start.
Likewise, as Snowden and Kurtz (2003) similarly reflects sense making described in a "complex and complicated world", outlining a staggering framework for conceptual approach as a mechanism for consideration.
They also provide a rational multifacetated idea which appears very true in one perspective of "collection of behaviour can be managed" by manipulation of "pain or pleasure-out". Is this the traditional method of failure to perform leads to performance and conduct capability thus punishment or is the pleasure-out outcome is through incentives conduct such as the publicity with big bonus payouts.
Aidemark (2008) implies "different views in an organisation" is deemed applicable as foreseen in the various professional fields. What is far more interesting is the study by Kogut and Zander (1996) of how an organisation is able to upheave and perform all 3 (Coordination, Facilitation of Communication and Support for learning) to sustain a successful position in the market.
To be continued...

Aidemark, J. (2008). Knowledge Management Paradoxes. Proceedings Of The 9th European Conference On Knowledge Management.
Alavi, M. & Leidner, D. E. (1999). Knowledge Management Systems: Issues, Challenged and Benefits. Vol.1. No.7.
Kogut, B. & Zander, U. (1996). What Firms Do? Coordination, Identity and Learning, Organisation Science, Vol. 7. No.5. September-October.
Kotter, J.P. & Cohen, D.S. (2002). The Heart Of Change - Change Their Organisations. Havard Business School, Boston.
Snowden, D. J. & Kurtz, C. F. (2003). The New Dynamics Of Strategy: Sense-Making In A Complex And Complicated World. IBM Systems, Vol.42. No.3. pp.462 -483
Snowden, D. J. & Kurtz, C. F. (2003). The New Dynamics Of Strategy: Sense-Making In A Complex And Complicated World. IBM Systems, Vol.42. No.3. pp.462 -483
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