Discovery of Trigonometry

The study of trigonometry dates back to the early ages of Babylon and Egypt and later in the next century, Muslims mathematicians introduced 6 basic trigonometrical ratios. These were mainly used for progression in key areas such as surveying and fortification in defence. 

The function's of trigonometry comprised of the following features:

  • a right angled triangle
  • O for Opposite a particular angle
  • A for Adjacent to it
  • H for Hypotenuse, being the long side

Trigonmetry evolved further later, Al Battani produced a number of trigonometrical "relationships" and used the idea of tangent. Al Battani expressed this tangent as Shadow. Whereas Abu Wafa established "relations" and discovered the sine formula for spherical geometry. The diagram below illustrates how A, B and C are lengths (in degrees) of the greater circle, thus making a triangle on the surface of the sphere; and a, b and c are the angles opposite them. In common practice today, flights use this in order to pinpoint and map the shortest flying distance path routes from one country to another.

For more understanding of trigonometry, please visit Trigonmetry Help


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