The Cognitive Movement

Thinking, perceiving, memory, problem solving are a series of words for cognitive. The cognitive movement did not start until the late 1950's, this work evolved over time from behaviorism. The subject matter became more cognitive and less mechanistic. Gestaltism, (Gestalt - a German word - for psychology) with expression terms of "Form, Shape and Pattern", with a total perspective of "The Whole". The root of Gestaltism work reflects from Immanual Kant, who derived 6 principles of perception. Perception, uses an organ (Seeing) and the Brain (Thinking), both these components put together helps visual perception of an object and therefore the whole effect or pattern is experienced. 

Gestalt approach was mainly applied in therapy and education areas. In therapy, the approach looks into the person as a whole and not just particular signs and symptoms of problems. Whilst within education, a learner perceives the learning situation as a whole. The Gestalt approach was later used in group behavior (social fields), which is now known as field theory.

Field Theory -> Kurt Lewin extended the Gestalism to also include social influences, motivation and meeting human needs. The work here expanded, learning behind the created theory which focused more upon the fields of force (such as region, that is space affected by the force) and gradually moved away from individual components.

Lewin states an individual is unannounced by psychological field; meaning a life space. A diagram form was illustrated to depict past, present and future of human lives situation as a whole. Border lines or pinpointed areas were view able such as movement, outside barriers influences and relationships as well as ambition.

After the cognitive movement, human psychology was developed in America in the 1960's. America named this the "Third Force". The 3 main ideas for humanistic were as follows:

  • Individual - Focusing on the individual and personal choice
  • Conscious - Emphasis on the experience
  • Human Nature - Everything to do with the wholeness. 

From this, Abraham Maslow established the theory of self actualization (the motivation) to achieve the potential. In order to reach the self actualization, lower needs to be satisfied first and once a level of acceptable experience is reached, a peak of fulfillment is achieved.


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