Analytic Philosophy of Science: Part 1 of 2

The word 'Hermeneutics', a greek word, hermeneuo, meaning 'interpret' was derived from Hans-Georg Gadamer, a key philosopher  who studied how humans interpreted the world  the process being, 'interpret' our existence through deepening our understanding by beginning upon from what we know already. An individual starts at 'point A' of where their position point is - 'I already current understand...'. In order to to attain the next level of deeper understanding, we might begin to sense a new change, this is known as the 'Hermenutic Circle'. 

Gadamer pointed out ones understanding is always from a point of view of a particular 'point in history'. By deepening our understanding, the prejudices and biases of our internal position becomes much clearer and perhaps begin to shift.

Part 2 continued..


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