
About this Module: Background
This module provides an understanding and learning to use data to better understand the organisation and information science. This could be to predict human networks and behaviours in social structures or workforce interaction and behavioural movement. Industries have realised that processing, harnessing and analysing digital information should be a fundamental starting point for productive and intelligent decision-making to support business needs.

Components of Learning
Component 1: Analysis and Data Exploration
Component 2: Using Data to Effect Behaviour Change
Component 3: Application of Big Data in Industry
Component 4: Data in Action

In almost every industry, organisation and public there has been and will be large volumes of data. Unravelling these large volumes of data for innovation and exploitation is driven by the availability of data from multiple digital platforms. Subsequently, understanding these new growing volumes of data whether they be from digital traffic, online or physical social interactions, these are changing the way organisations think, behave and resolve important problems. Crucially, for organisations to survive today, intelligence and new branches of knowledge whether on a personal or social level are needed to derive value.
Interpreting and understanding business intelligence is a key requirement of the early 21st century. As organisations, society and communities generate rapid volumes of new data every day whether socially or through transactions, there is a need to make sense of these and elicit insights, opportunities and insights from the data. The ability for organisations to analyse, explore and exploit for the mutual benefit of stakeholders and consumers will provide further future innovation, competitiveness and growth within the intelligence digital economy. With the digital economy as a globally connected network, it is necessary to understand the skills, the strengths of an organisation and how to deliver and sustain survival excellence.
In this module, you’re active in creating new knowledge through collaboration, solving meaningful and relevant problems, and applying your learnings to a real-world context by focusing on how to use data in an organization of your choice.

What will this teach you?
·    Analyse data to better understand and predict organisation transactions, human networks and behaviours in social `structures;
·     Improve business intelligence using the tools, and datasets associated with data analysis;
·     Understand exactly what kind of data you are dealing with in your role;
·     Conduct preliminary analysis and draw hypotheses about the data at your disposal;
·     Understand the benefits and unique perspective that intelligence analytics provides for data analysis;
·     Provides you with an overview of the large volumes of data and analysis, and offers an understanding of how these can be integrated to inform strategic direction.

Optimal Class Size
The optimal class size is no more than 30 participants. This provides each student with enough time to learn, practice, and acquire the new skill sets.

Optimal Planning
A one-day agenda

Schedule Day Plan



Lead & Comments

09:15 – 09:20

Overview of the Day



09:30 – 10:30


Tackling and addressing the challenges of Business Intelligence


10:45 – 11:00



11:00 – 12:45




12:45 – 13:45




13:45 – 15:15

Computer Session



15:15 – 15:30




15:30 – 16:30

Presentations, feedback and discussion

Four sets of four groups. Each represents the corporate team in the case study. Groups prepare their financial strategy and decide which products or services to negotiate.

Group 1 – Corporate Team 1 (15 minutes)

Group 2 – Corporate Team 2 (15 minutes)

Group 3 – Corporate Team 3 (15 minutes)

Group 4 – Corporate Team 4 (15 minutes)



16:30 – 16:45

Summary wrap up




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