The Statistics Guide

Statistics plays an important in our everyday life. The name itself, signifies science of collecting facts, studying and analyzing them which can uncover a new range of subjects. These can be simple or complex and each subject area have their own incomplete answers. When this occurs, only the probable or predictions can be derived. For example, the above figure illustrates geography aspect of weather forecasting, once all information is captured can a prediction of the likelihood of what is happen incorporating risk of the unlikeliness. 

Statistics have existed for centuries, and becoming more widely used, however, the use of statistics itself is not modern and many do not favor the subject topic itself. In the Roman century, a census was conducted on a very monotonous basis, but was very accurate, which counted the number of people in countries they conquered. Jesus was born in Bethlehem because Mary and Joseph traveled there for the Roman Census. Today, the UK Government conducts a census every 10 years, which entails every household.

Today's world and even more, statistics surrounds us everywhere, everything and anytime!


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