Managing Situations

Managing situations is being able to understand the coherency that is either externally or constrained within. The following is a key criteria elements for determining to manage:
  • Discovering what is going to change
  • Making conscious or unconscious choice
  • Provoke changes
  • Acting on elected choices
  • Discovering the consequences

> Simultaneous Planning and Complex Learning
Being able to recognize the nature of bounded instability allows easiness of designing action to deal with open ended problems in the duration term. Open ended change enables removal of conditions and constrain barriers that impede on control and development. Here, reliant on learning through groups will produce emergent properties that do not exist in closed.  The unpredictability and irregularity scores for more appetite towards growth. Management that fails to alternate between open and closed will unable to simulate in different levels of an organization  By applying appropriate frameworks within the design actions can aid towards dealing with the long term. 

Some organizations fail to have feedback mechanisms and therefore will only exhibit one type of behavioral choice, that is persistent. Management behavior exerts influence on the learning and political behavior  Those that damping and feeding negative back will always operate in a stable equilibrium and will eventually become misfortunate.


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