Comprehend with Reason
Which way will you go?
In the 19th Century, Georg Hegel, a famous philosopher for his works on focal aspect of 'single spirit' (meaning both the mind and idea) combined together as one - the phenomenology of spirit. Georg Hegel theory context believed that over time, the spirit itself recognizes the 'mind' and 'idea', goes through reintegration (dialectic) and this is what helps builds the understanding of history - the past. Hegel expression of thought on dialectic was about finding resolution, and three components, (1) Thesis, (2) Antithesis and (3) Synthesis.
By applying this to the research context, the research path route being undertaken is the unknown, something that is learnable and changes gradually as the body of builds upon the theory. Formidably, a cycle is depicted here, going through discomfort to comfort or vice versa. If applying this to today's current world climate, vast volume of modified forms of earlier practices, is what makes various organization still standing today.
By applying this to the research context, the research path route being undertaken is the unknown, something that is learnable and changes gradually as the body of builds upon the theory. Formidably, a cycle is depicted here, going through discomfort to comfort or vice versa. If applying this to today's current world climate, vast volume of modified forms of earlier practices, is what makes various organization still standing today.

- Marxists (n.d). G. W. F. Hegel (1770-1831) [Online]. Available: [2013, 25/01/2013].
- Stanford (2010). Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel [Online]. Available: [2013, 25/01/2013].
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