Organizations in an Unpredictable World: Part 1

1. Introduction
Creativity enables an organization to generate new strategic directions and survive the global competition. In Stacey (1992), he clearly describes the dominant mindset notion paradigm belief of "The Stable Equilibrium Organization", comprised of 5 core elements listed below. Vast majority of organizations remains intimately connected with stability and become stabilize after achieving their success. As such, the past is being repeated with and fail to continue to innovate, subsequently, the consequences are severely faced as seen with many UK companies going into administration.

a) How do we establish strategic direction of the unknown future?
b) What and how do we deal with irregular contentious circumstances?
c) How to control business and unleash potential of employees?
d) What kind of organization do we need if we are to remain successful?
e) What is the creativity and innovation?

Figure 3: Balancing Change

Over the years, organizations grows substantially and reach a specific point (Senior, 1997; Carnall, 1999). In that specific point in time, failing to diagnose, manage change and innovate, will result in a dip fall, as illustrated in Figure 4. Comet, a prime example, the competitive market force and the digital world, driving the economy force. In order to be successful, organizations needs to foresee the importance of achieving effective strategies if effective change is to be achieved. At root, Vision, Stakeholder and Capability must interact.
Figure 4: The Increasing or Decreasing Organization


Carnall, C. A. (1999). Managing Change in Organizations. Third Edition. Financial Times, Prentical Hall, Harlow, Essex.
Senior, B. (1997). Organizational Change. Financial Times, Prentical Hall, Harlow, Essex.
Stacey, R. (1992). Managing Chaos - Dynamic Business Strategies in an Unpredictable World. Kogan Page Limited, London.
Young, S. (2012). Comet Enters administration, Deloitte Seeks Buyer [Online].
Available: [2012, 23/01/2013].


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