
Bridge will never close...!?

There is still a failure to bridge a gap as always.. does this mean gaps can never be fulfilled and bridged straight across without any obstacles?.. .. think of the forest... there are those that wish to preserve the natural vegetation, whereas there are ones that create the disturbance for decomposition...

Prime examples are especially raising a concern especially in the health care industry... it always appears to be in the news..! Gap in care 'has to be bridged' . This was discussed many years ago but still has prevailed to formulate... does this mean no one knows what they are doing or even should be doing?... So why waste money?..

I'd like to always think.. have they learnt from the failures ((What are the lessons for the NHS?))or is it just a mere thought of 'who cares' hence why there is still is subsequential repetition of the causation of death?.. such as recent the recent news of Failing hospital 'caused deaths'.

Yet again, Friday 3rd April - NHS warned over infection control where they write "because of poor infection control", reflecting from the KM scholars.. is this a 'i do know' or 'do not know'. The report also claims "were not doing enough in areas such as cleanliness and decontamination", is it really that difficult to control.. likewise come to think about this.. if knowledge is invisible... infectious too is invisible but both can be revealed. But how they can draw a result to say that "the government pointed out that overall infection rates were falling" - when it is mentioned all the time.

Why "'Slow progress' "?.. this means they want to take time to act?... but does this mean slowliness may lead to more infecting patients staying at hospitals...

Do you think it is an obsession with 'targets' making this top priority as opposed to patient health care...

"It said managers should not become obsessed with targets to such an extent that patient care is no longer the priority - as happened with Mid Staffordshire" & also "Things were so bad, the inspectors said"

From the above they state "should not become obsessed" - who created this substantial automony element which obsence to of have created a culture of 'targets'... but also where is the acknowledge from investigators... what is the point of having inspectors or even having such a job title where it does not get fully enforced into the working practice standards...? .. let's change this and make it become better than what it should be?...

....Is this another prime example: Baby P case be continued...
enjoy the fresh air.....sway... :)

& peace...... :)


  1. Man-Chie you work in a hospital and you know the amount pressure everybody are under to do their work. However it is the people that make an organisation and the blame must rest with them...!

    I believe knowledge is invisible and intangible and your comparison with infectious is true. However both these can be managed, like other issues for example: creativity, innovation, motivation, etc.

    I be back with more...

    \ (-___-)/

  2. Are you trying to imply that because I work there, I am too to blame? Some people are under NO pressure and come in as they please do something simple!

    I agree BUT not to a full extent where you state "can be managed" it is like for example the case with Gordon Brown.. news media criticised for "must explain poor state of UK finances" but also thinking about the banking crisis - where was the innovation and motivation in this before it came to plunge?.. to critique and argue your case for even more?.. :)

